
Brand Kit


lorenzo typography


At Lorenzo, we rely on Okta Neue and Dento Test to shape our visual identity. With their extensive range of styles and weights, these fonts provide us the flexibility to select the ideal typeface for any design component.

Okta Neue




Lorenzo brand has chosen Okta Neue as its primary font, primarily used for brand body text, easily readable positions, and large head-lines on posters.





Lorenzo chooses Denton Test for main headlines and for use in ban-ners, subheadings, and other banner locations.





The backup font for Lorenzo's body text is Poppins, used when Okta Neue cannot be substituted online.


Lorenzo Logotypes


The Lorenzo logo features a modern, futuristic design with clean lines and a customized font, perfectly embodying our brand's innovative spirit. The mark integrates geometric precision with a sleek counterform, creating a dynamic and forward-thinking visual identity.


FUnctional colors

Beige is the primary functional color of the Lorenzo brand, mainly used as the background color for products or visual outputs.

Lrz White
RGB 249 / 243 / 227

Brand Genetic Color

Lrz Blue is the foundational color of the Lorenzo brand. Within the same color scheme, two lighter shades of blue are used as secondary options to enhance the depth and hierarchy of the brand's genetic colors.

Lrz Deep Blue
RGB 31 / 54 / 74
HEX 1F364A
Lrz Blue
RGB 49 / 72 / 91
HEX 31485B
Lrz Light Blue
RGB 65/ 98 / 111
HEX 41626F

Brand Genetic Color

Bit Gold is the brand’ s accent color for Lorenzo, used spar-ingly for highlights. It is in-spired by the hues of Bitcoinand gold.

Lrz Deep Blue
RGB 230 / 158 / 67
HEX E69E43
Bit Gold
RGB 251 / 229 / 82

FUnctional colors

Beige is the primary functional color of the Lorenzo brand, mainly used as the background color for products or visual outputs,

Lrz White
CMYK 5 / 8 / 16 / 0

Brand Genetic Color

The brand's genetic colors are categorized into “Core/Secondary - 1” and “Core/Secondary - 2” to accommodate different printing machines and standards. These two sets of color combinations are designed for various printing scenarios. You can choose the appropriate set based on the specic proofing situation. Each set features variations in depth and lightness within the same color scheme to enhance the depth and hierarchy of the brand's genetic colors.

Lrz Blue
CMYK 96 / 78 / 55 / 23
Lrz Light Blue
CMYK 94 / 73 / 54 / 17
Core - 2
Lrz Blue
CMYK 100 / 89 / 59 / 31
Secondary - 2
Lrz Light Blue
CMYK 100 / 78 / 45 / 8

Brand Accent Color

Bit Gold is the brand’ s accent color for Lorenzo, used sparingly for highlights. It is in-
spired by the hues of Bitcoin and gold.

Bit Gold
CMYK 35 / 50 / 100 / 0
BTC Orange
CMYK 8 / 30 / 97 / 0


Lorenzo icons


Important: The downloaded icon files represent stBTC and enzoBTC. To maintain brand consistency, please refrain from altering any elements of these files except for the background.


logoclear space

When applying the horizontal logo, it is important to maintain a designated clear space around it. Using the letter 'O' in the word 'Lorenzo' as the basic unit, expand a certain clear space around the logo.

No text or visual content is allowed within the clear space of the logo.

When applying the logo, it is necessaryto maintain a certain clearspace around it. Using the English letter 'O' in the word 'Lorenzo' as the basic unit, expand a designated clear space around the logo.

No text or visual content is allowed within the clear space of the logo.

When applying literal identifiers, youneed to maintain a specified amount of white space around them. Use 1/12 of the height of the graphic logo as the basic unit to expand a certain clear space around the logo.

No text or visual content is allowed within the white space of the logo.

When applying the graphic identifier, it is necessary to maintain a designated clear space around it. Using 1/6 of the height of the graphic identifer as the basic unit, expand a certain clear space around the logo.

No text or visual content is allowed within the clear space of the logo.

Grayscale Limitation

To ensure the clarity and legibility of
the text identifier, it is essential to
use appropriate colors based on the
brightness of different background

This page illustrates the application
scenarios of the text identifier at
various grayscale levels. When using,
you can refer to this color palette to
determine the application scope of
the logo on colored backgrounds.
Taking the vertical composition style
identier as an example.

minimum size

Minimum size specifications for logo application:

The minimum height for the digital application of the text identifier is 45 px.

The minimum height for offline printing application of the text identifier is 16 mm.

Minimum size specifications for logo application:

The minimum height for the digital application of the text identifier is 32 px.

The minimum height for offline printing application of the text identifier is 12 mm.

Minimum size specifications for application text identifiers:

Number applications for text identifiers have a minimum height of 32 px.

The minimum height of the text indicator for offline printing applications is 12 mm.

Minimum size specifications for the application of the graphic identifier:

The minimum height for the digital application of the text identifier is 32 px.

The minimum height for offline printing application of the text identifier is 12 mm.


Text identifers can be left-aligned, center-aligned, or right-aligned, and positioned at the top or bottom, depending on layout requirements.

Graphic identifiers should be presented at a larger size when they are located in the center of the composition.

The graphic identifer can be aligned to the left, center, or right, and positioned at the top or bottom based on the layout requirements. When the graphic identifer is at the center of the composition, it should be presented in a larger size.


Please note that when using, it is imperative to adhere to the usage guidelines in this manual, where the relative sizes and positions of elements are fixed.

Lorenzo's identifier can only be copied directly from the final specification document; redrawing or combining it without authorization is strictly prohibited.

Please note that when using, it is imperative to adhere to the usage guidelines in this manual, where the relative sizes and positions of elements are fixed. Lorenzo's identifier can only be copied directly from the final specification document; redrawing or combining it without authorization is strictly prohibited.

Brand Collaboration
Identity Guidelines

When the Lorenzo brand collaborates with other partners to jointly display the logo, use the "|" symbol as the separator between brand identities, with a spacing reference of 1 times the character width of the letter 'O'.

Due to the specific length and contextual application of horizontal logos, the use of horizontal logos in brand collaborations is strictly prohibited.